So, it turns out that my barber went to high school with Pete Cammarano, putting me a scant two degrees away from yesterday’s corruuption busts! More Jersey small-worldness…
So, Hoboken’s brand new mayor Peter Cammarano and dozens of other officials just got arrested for corruption! It sounds like they have him dead-to-rights… even accepting $10,000 from an undercover operative last Thursday.
According to the Times, Cammarano was quoted earlier in the investigation as saying
Right now, the Italians, the Hispanics, the seniors are locked down. Nothing can change that now. … I could be, uh, indicted, and I’m still gonna win 85 to 95 percent of those populations.
What a dirtbag! Hoboken is awful with corruption and double standards, so it is great to see that at least some of these bastards are going down. I lived there for 5 years and in my experience it’s all about who you know, even with the simplest things like parking and building permits. They ought to just bug every room at Hoboken city hall for a year and really clean house… but then I guess just the cleaning staff would be left.
New Jersey officials among 44 corruption arrests - 7/23/09 - New York News and Tri-State News - 7online.com
So, I’m at the wedding of one of Sheryl’s friends, and who do I see? Mr. Ollio, my 7th grade math / high school homeroom teacher! His crazy haircut hasn’t changed in the 9 years since I last saw him… it is good to know that you can still count on some things.
Just wanted to test out remote posting to the site via MoBlog on my Samsung Epix.
If you can see this, it worked!
If you are looking for a mobile blogging application for your Windows Mobile based phone, check out MoBlog at http://sampath.wordpress.com/moblog/ for more information.
Well, I’ve been meaning to do this for a while. I take a lot of pictures, wanted to keep my friends and family up to date on what’s going on with Sheryl and I lately, both good reasons to set up the new site. I might do some more back-dated additions to include the pictures from New Zealand, etc… we’ll see how ambitious I feel. I’m going to try to avoid using the b-word, but only because I don’t like it. It’s just another new word for the same old personal website. Plus, it unnecessarily gives things that iPhone-chic type feel, which is healthy to avoid.
Yeah, this site runs WordPress… big whoop, want to fight about it?

Just got back from the Bullet Hole after putting 350 rounds of different ammunition through my MKIII. I had about 5 of the expected ejection problems (still waiting for my VQ extractor to be delivered), but other than that it functioned flawlessly. The trigger/hammer sticking issue seems to have been fixed by cleaning up the burr on the back of the safety and polishing the components that ride the hammer pin.
I spent my youth fishing. Many weekends each summer were spent at my father’s parents house in Ocean City (New Jersey), each including a trip on one of the party boats for fluke. During the week back home in Somerville, I would often head down to Peter’s Brook and spend the afternoons catching sunfish.
I don’t know what it was that finally got me motivated again, but I decided it was time to get back into it. I had picked up my license a few weeks ago, and today a bunch of fresh tackle. I decided to try out Ramapo Lake located in Ramapo Mountain State Forest this afternoon. The hike from the parking lot to the lake took a bit longer than I had expected, but it was worth it, as the lake was beautiful. There is a paved trail around the lake with many smaller trails down to the water for fishing access.
All I caught on the day was 5 sunfish, but I’m sure the bigger fish are out there… I heard several large bass-sized feeding splashes throughout the afternoon.
Today, Sheryl and I did about a 12 mile bike ride on the Sussex Branch Trail starting at Kittatinny Valley State Park. The trail runs along a portion of the right of way of the old Delaware, Lackawanna & Western railroad’s Sussex Branch. The tracks were removed decades ago, and all that is left is an elevated cinder pathway through the forests. Since the route was originally laid for trains, there are no steep inclines or sharp turns, making for an easy scenic ride.
I went up to Cherry Ridge today to try out my new pistol. I picked up Bill on the way since he is also getting into firearms and was interested in checking out the range.
We put 400 rounds through my 10/22 (which was its usual reliable and accurate self) and 430 through the new MKIII. The pistol performed great all day, with just a few jams here and there as the parts were breaking in. It will take some getting used to working with the iron sights, but when I do my part, the Hunter is very accurate. I was able to hit a 4″ square metal plate at 50 yards with 3 or 4 of the first 10 shots through the gun… I am looking forward to more practice.
After a long wait for the local police precinct to process my pistol purchasing permit paperwork (yay consonance), I finally got the call that they were ready, and picked them up immediately.
I really enjoy my Ruger 10/22 rifle because I can shoot it all day without spending hundreds of dollars on ammunition, and the .22 Long Rifle cartridge has plenty of stopping power for the paper targets and metal silhouettes that I like to shoot. So knowing that, I was sure that I wanted to add a .22LR pistol to my collection. After shopping around and considering the Browning Buckmark, Walther P22 and several other models, I settled on the Ruger MKIII. Of the Rugers, I felt that the 6 7/8″ Hunter was the best. It has a fluted target barrel, all stainless steel construction, and adjustable fiber optic target sights.
So, today I went over to Melter’s Sporting Goods where Ernie helped me out with the purchase. I’m quite happy with the new addition!
Corruption Bust Update
So, it turns out that my barber went to high school with Pete Cammarano, putting me a scant two degrees away from yesterday’s corruuption busts! More Jersey small-worldness…